Paris Island (Steve – Marines) – January 1990

My parents & I went to my son (Steve)’s graduation from the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, Ca. We also visited the pier; drove the 17 miles around Pebble Beach golf course and toured the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Our favorite Marine recruit – Steve Beamesderfer
The Iwa Jima statue at Paris Island Marine boot camp

Hawaii Cruise – March 1988

This is a cruise Carol & I took to several of the islands in Hawaii. I also remember doing a kayak adventure and taking a helicopter tour of the islands on this trip.

Island Adventures – where we rented our kayaks
We toured the islands by helicopter

Disneyworld – November 1987

Carol & I took Kim & Steve to Disney World. Carol was attending a teachers’ conference, so we made the best of the trip. Audrey was in college and not able to join us.

Steve & Kim on the Merry-Go-Round
It’s the Main Street parade – fun times!

South/West RV Trip – July 1982

Carol & I took our kids, Audrey, Kim & Steve on an RV trip to various parts of the USA, including Stuart’s Draft, VA to visit the new Hershey Plant; the World’s fair in Knoxville, TN; Okefenoke Swamp Park in Georgia; Disney World and EPCOT center in Florida; then to El Paso to visit Carey’s parents.

Audrey & Steve at the 1982 World’s Fair in Knoxville, TN
Steve – with Grandpa Beamy’s luxury car

Northeast Rolling RV Trip – July 1981

We took the kids on a camping trip to Watkins Glenn State Park in New York, then visited Niagara Falls and drove to Acadia National Park in Maine.

Steve & Audrey with our dog Nugget
Niagara Falls from the bottom

Eastern US RV Trip – July 1979

Carol & I took the kids on a road trip to Williamsburg, VA and Busch Gardens, then to Myrtle Beach and to the Great Smokey Mts. National Park on the way home. We did road trips like this every year in our motorhome.

Western US / Acapulco – July 1978

This was a family trip with the three kids. Carol & I drove from Hershey, Pa. to El Paso, TX, stopping to see various sites along the way. Upon arrival, we left the kids with my parents and flew to Acapulco. Upon our return we drove back to Hershey, by way of the Grand Canyon and the Petrified Forest National Parks.
