Brazil – May 2005

We started our journey in Rio de Janeiro where we visited all the popular tourist sites; then flew to Manaus, which is a gateway to the Amazon. There we visited at the Ariua Towers jungle resort and stayed in Tarzan’s Tree House. It was a blast – monkeys everywhere. After that we flew to Iguazu Falls on the Argentina border, another natural Wonder of the World.

A Brazilian cultural icon and global symbol of Christianity.
Piranha fishing in the Amazon basin

Washington DC (Dad) – May 2005

We visited the World War II memorial in Washington DC with my Mom & Dad. My dad is a WW II veteran and he wanted to go there to honor his fellow veterans who fought in the war.

Mom & Dad – WW II Memorial – Washington DC
There are 56 pillars in the background which represent all the US states and territories

Longwood Gardens – May 2005

We took my Mom & Dad to see these gardens, which are near Philadelphia. It was a nice, sunny day; perfect for visiting.

Longwood Gardens is a botanical garden that consists of over 1,077 acres (436 hectares; 4.36 km2) of gardenswoodlands, and meadows in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, United States in the Brandywine Creek Valley.[2] It is one of the premier horticultural display gardens in the United States
Mom & Donna enjoying their visit to the garden

Cape May, NJ – October 2004

We went here with Charlie & Barb to stay at their friend Mary Lou’s beach house. We helped Charlie repaint several rooms in the house. Donna & I made several walks on the beach and toured most of the area while we were there.

In 1976, Cape May was designated a National Historic Landmark as the Cape May Historic District, making Cape May the only city in the U.S. to be wholly designated as a national historic district.
Donna with Sparky

Cincinnati, OH – September 2004

This was one of the first trips Donna did on her own to Cincinnati to visit her relatives. She went with her parents and brother to attend a wedding of one of the relatives. Carey did not go along on this trip.

Jean (Charlie’s twin sister), Charlie & Barb
Various members of the Mannino family

Gettysburg, PA – September 2004

This was a hike we took with one of the local hiking clubs to the Gettysburg battlefield and museums. We lived in York, PA at the time, so it was less than 50 miles from our home.

The Gettysburg National Military Park protects and interprets the landscape of the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. Reenactments of the battle are held annually
Hiking in the 4 acre park

Bushkill Falls Hike – August 2004

This was a hike and brief tour of the area. We took Charlie & Barb with us on this trip, but they did not do the hike.

Donna & Barb leaving the museum building
Indian artifacts and souvenirs

Great Smokey Mts – July 2004

This was a Charlie & Barb Mannino family gathering with all the kids and grandkids in attendance. We all shared a cabin that we rented and had a great time hiking and enjoying the mountains and the family fellowship. We stopped at the Veterans War Memorial on Interstate 81 on the way to Tennessee.

Ridge upon ridge of forest straddles the border between North Carolina and Tennessee in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. World renowned for its diversity of plant and animal life, the beauty of its ancient mountains, and the quality of its remnants of Southern Appalachian mountain culture, this is America’s most visited national park.
One of the many rapids flowing through the park