Canada (Alberta – RFE), Colorado – July 2008

The reason for this trip was to participate in the Alberta, Canada Rotary Friendship Exchange. We decided to take our camper and drive all the way to Canada to join the RFE team. Our first stop was Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP, then to Yellowstone NP, each of which we spent several days sightseeing and touring. From there we went to Banff NP in Alberta, the to our first RFE host in Camrose. From Camrose, we went with the team to Ft. McMurray,  Edson, Jasper NP, and Edmonton which was our final stop with the team. After the RFE Donna & I headed south to Calgary, then to Glacier & Grand Teton NP, passing through Denver on our way back home. What an awesome trip!

Canola filed in Alberta, Canada with 2 fellow Rotarians
Testing the fire dept equipment in Camrose, Alberta

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