This was our first trip to visit Donna’s brother Carl since he moved to California, and to see one of his job sites. He owns an HVAC Company and the job site was one of his biggest clients. This was prior to his marriage to Dawn.

This was our first trip to visit Donna’s brother Carl since he moved to California, and to see one of his job sites. He owns an HVAC Company and the job site was one of his biggest clients. This was prior to his marriage to Dawn.
This was our first big trip after moving to the southwest (Santa Teresa, NM). We went with my Mom & Dad. The sponsoring organization was the UTEP Alumni Association. We took a bus to Chihuahua City and eventually boarded a train to Copper Canyon. We hiked the trails and rode horseback and had a great time.
We went to White Sands with the whole family to have a picnic and enjoy riding the saucers down the hills. This was our first outing after we moved to the El Paso area.
We were living in Pennsylvania at this time. We drove here to see the Christmas light display.
We were on a trip to El Paso to look for a home. On the way we stopped in Memphis, TN to visit Graceland – the original home of Elvis.
We took this trip with my sister Carole & her husband Dave. We were all part of a group of 10 hosted by Carole’s neighbor who was from Hong Kong originally. The major highlights of this trip included the Imperial Palace, the Great Wall, Terra Cotta army, a national park in eastern Tibet, a visit to a panda bear breeding facility, and a stop in Shanghai. It was a wonderful trip.