Iceland – August 2012

We flew to Iceland and rented a car to travel around the country. We drove a little more than 800 miles around the Circle Route. This is a land of scenic beauty, numerous waterfalls, volcanic rock, geysers and the famous Blue Lagoon. It also has many glaciers, and we stayed a few days with the Rotary District Governor of Iceland who was kind enough to guide us to the most scenic parts of the country.

One of the many waterfalls in the incredibly beautiful country
Dinner – fresh from the sea

Felton, DE -June 2012

Donna made this trip to Keith & Lindsay’s home in Delaware as part of the annual get-together with her and the kids and grandkids. They spent some time at the beach and at Keith’s home. Donna then went to York, PA to visit with her parents.

Fun in the sand – Josh & Caleb
Having fun at Grandpa Mannino’s home

PA Christmas Trip – December 2011

We drove back to Pennsylvania for the Christmas Holiday season to visit with the family. We stayed at Donna’s parents house and spent time with the kids and grandkids.

Christmas with the grandkids at the Myers house
My son Steve with his favorite hobby – RC Cars

York, PA Trip – July 2011

This was a trip that Donna made to York to visit her parents, kids and grandkids. Carey did not go on this trip.

Kacie picking strawberries
Josh looking for the right chicken

York, PA Family Trip – November 2010

This was one of the first trips Donna took by herself to visit her parents, Kevin & Steph and the grandkids in York, Pa. She really enjoys these visits.

Nana with grandson – Jacob Myers
It’s “birthday” party time

Clovis, NM Trip – September 2009

Donna & I went to Clovis to visit our friends Lonnie & Ardeth Leslie who we traveled with several times on Rotary RFE trips. This was our first visit to their home. They treated us to a tour of the area, including a night at the Clovis Music Festival. It was fun. Lonnie is an RC airplane collector and flyer. We are also both Rotarians and we spoke to his Rotary Club about one of our RFE trips.

Lonnie & Ardeth took us to a local dairy farm to observe the young cows
A local Clovis musical group

Breckenridge, CO – July 2007

We went to Breckenridge to visit with Donna’s cousin Vicki and her family. They have a large cabin in this area so many of Donna’s aunt’s, uncles, & cousins were there also. We did a lot of hiking and sight-seeing in the area. This is a beautiful part of the country.

Dinner with the family
Breckinridge is an incredible place to hike

Wedding (Kevin) / Graduation (Audrey) – May 2007

We flew back to PA to visit family for Kevin & Steph’s wedding, Audrey’s Law School Graduation and visits to Steve’s house and Carey’s Aunt Mae’s home. This was our first trip back to PA after we moved to New Mexico.

Audrey’s graduation with Avery & Drew
Avery & Carey