Thanksgiving Family Visit – November 2019

Various members of Donna’s family joined us here in Santa Teresa following our return from Morocco and during the Thanksgiving holiday. Her brothers Steve & Carl and her sister Jan were here for Barb’s (Donna’s mother) birthday, then Chris came to visit during Thanksgiving. We all had a good time; took Chris horseback riding and had dinner together.

PA Trip to Visit Kids/Grandkids – August 2019

We flew to PA to spend some time with our kids and grandkids. Donna left a few days early to visit her sister Jan in Dallas and attend a baby shower for Jan’s daughter Rachelle. Carey met Donna in the airport in Dallas and we flew to PA. The grand event was to have a birthday party for Kevin (Donna’s oldest son), but it also provided us the first opportunity in 20+ years to have all of our kids and grandkids in one place at the same time.

Hiking on one of the trails in Reading, PA
Chris, Kevin and the baseball gang at the Reading Phillies game

Keith & Lindsay Visit – June 2019

Family members Keith & Lindsay, along with our grandkids – Kade & Bexley, stayed with us for a week. Keith & Carey built a garden shed for Donna, while Lindsay & Donna entertained the kids at various attractions in El Paso.

Keith & I building a shed for Donna’s gardening hobby
Keith & Lindsay with kids and Donna in our hot tub

Granddaughter Julia Visit – June 2019

Julia visited our home in mid-June. We took her to the Gila Mountains where we walked the catwalk and camped overnight at the Double T RV campground. From there we drove to Santa Fe and camped 2 nights at Rancheros de Santa Fe. On the way to Santa Fe, we stopped and toured the Very Large Array, and while in Santa Fe we visited Meow Wolf and the International Folk-art Museum. The last day we hiked at Tent Rocks National Monument. The three of us had a great time together.

Julia and Donna at the Double T RV campground
Julia in the middle of one of the Meow Wolf displays

Mexico (Cabo) – March 2019

Donna went with her sister Jan, and Carey’s sister LuAnn to a time-share resort in Cabo, Mexico owned by Carey’s sister and brother-in-law Carole and Dave Green. It was also Donna’s birthday. They all had a good time and celebrated Donna’s birthday during the trip. Carey did not go on this trip because he was in Oracle, AZ working at a YMCA camp.

The “sisters” and Dave – Happy Hour
Relaxing at the resort

Family Trip to TX, DE, PA – Nov/Dec 2018

We drove the 1999 RAV4 to visit all the kids and grandkids, starting with Chris in Plano, TX, then to Keith & Lindsay in Felton, DE, then to Audrey & Avery in Philadelphia, PA, then to Steve & Cheryl in Reading, PA, then to Kevin & Steph in York, PA, then to Steve & Dana in Lebanon, PA. After all that we left the car with granddaughter Anna and flew home from BWI to El Paso.

Chopping and stacking wood with granddaughter Bexley
Birthday party for Kade & Bexley in Felton, DE

Organ Mt. / Desert Peaks Hike – October 2018

We took this hike with 7 other people from Donna’s Women’s Welcome Club of El Paso. The hike was approximately 3-1/2 miles round trip.

A stop at the waterfalls
Beautiful scenery at Organ Mountain / Desert Peaks National Monument

Oceanside, CA Visit – August 2018

This was a Mannino Family reunion near Donna’s brother Carl’s house in Oceanside, CA.  We rented an Airbnb home for us, Donna’s parents, Steve & Cheryl, Jan and Patti. We went deep sea fishing and visited the Channel Islands National Park, in addition to multiple meals, swimming and other good times between the Airbnb place and Carl’s house.

Barb, Carl & Charlie
The Mannino gang

Rockport, TX (UPC Trip) – August 2018

There were 5 volunteers (Team #2) from the UPC Church who donated their time to help victims of the 2017 Hurricane Harvey storm. Donna & I joined the team with Larry McGinnes, Eva Matta & Maureen Keton for a 4 day trip from El Paso to Rockford, TX. We worked hard in the heat and humid conditions of the area, patchng a roof on one home, helping others move furniture from one place to another. All went well.

Our University Presbyterian work crew
Patching a hole in the hurricane damaged roof

Florida Female Cousins Trip – February 2018

This was a trip that Donna took with her sister Jan to visit her cousin Patti in Naples, Florida. All the female Mannino cousin’s were invited and most showed up. Donna said she had a great time because it was her 60th birthday celebration as well.

Donna with Cousin Patty who surprised her with a birthday cake