Colorado (Denver Train Show) – April 2022

My friend Doug Borrett and I drove to Denver, CO to visit the Rocky Mountain Train Show. We also visited the Colorado Train Museum, the Argo Mill & Mine, Buffalo Bill’s Grave site, and numerous other local sites. We drove on the Mt. Evans Scenic Loop and the Turquoise Highway. Great trip. We’re panning for gold in this photo.

One of many exhibitors at the train show
Carey & Doug panning for gold

Birthday (Charlie 90th) – December 2021

Donna held a birthday bash for Charlie (age 90) & Barb (age 85) on Dec. 11 at our home and invited her brothers and sister, as well as several cousins from Cincinnati & Washington DC. We also had a couple of Charlie & Barb’s friends from church at the party. The relatives stayed for a week, arriving several days before the event and staying a couple days after it.

We hiked with the cousins to the top of Mt. Cristo Rey
Donna’s cousins at the southern border fence

Croatia, Montenegro & Serbia – October 2021

I traveled with my daughter Audrey and grandson Drew, and my friend Doug Borrett to Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia to visit the area, ride on trains and experience the Balkan lifestyle. This was an 11-day trip which Audrey planned for the rest of us. A great trip highlighted by numerous tours, visits to fortresses, rides on several passenger trains and a narrow-gauge track train, and we all had fun. Audrey’s friend Rhianna Pruit also joined us for most of the trip.

Audrey, Doug & Rhianna on our boat tour to an island near Dubrovnik
Audrey during a tour of one of Montenegro’s national historic sites

Chamizal National Monument Walk – June 2021

We took the dogs for a short walk at the Chamizal National Memorial on the border of Texas and Mexico. Nice day for a Sunday morning stroll in the park.

The monument building at Chamizal
Chamizal is more than just an urban park to recreate or enjoy a quiet afternoon. These grounds are a reminder of the harmonious settlement of a 100-year boundary dispute between the United States and Mexico.

New Mexico (Alamogordo Train Museum) – June 2021

I drove to Alamogordo to visit their train museum. They gave me a private tour of the building and I took a lot of pictures. I learned more about different types of model trains and enjoyed seeing their various layouts.

Partial view of their N Scale layout
O Scale display with Hershey at the top of the photo

Montana (Big Sky – Family) – June 2021

We took the camper and the dogs and drove to Big Sky, MT where we rented a large home for the week to house 26 members of Donna’s family. We hiked, did white water rafting, went on a ski lift and had a wonderful time socializing with each other. We parked the camper in the driveway and slept there while the others stayed in the home.

Family picture – It looks like we exceeded the allowable number of people for this Airbnb
On our way to the top of the mountain – Spanish Peak – 8,551 feet

Pink Store Visit – May 2021

Donna’s brother Steve and his wife Cheryl came to visit Charlie & Barb (and us). Donna took Steve to Jarden Milagros to help volunteer at the farm for a couple hours. Later in the week we drove to the Pink Store in Palomas, Mexico (just south of Columbus, New Mexico) where we shopped and had lunch. The following week I drove to Columbus again and stopped to visit Pancho Villa State Park.

The border of Mexico and the US near Palomas, Mexico
One of the signs at Pancho Villa State Park

Birthday Trip to PA – April 2021

I drove to PA to help celebrate Steve (my son) 50th birthday party as well as granddaughter Julia’s 17th birthday. Stopped at Carol & Dave’s house along the way and made several stops (going and coming back) at National Park/Monument, etc sites. The trip lasted two weeks and I traveled over 5,500 miles. I also visited my Aunt Janice and Uncle Jim, Steve & Cheryl, Kevin & kids, Keith & family, and Audrey & Avery. Great trip.

My sister Carole, her husband Dave with their son Davey and his girlfriend
Audrey & Avery

Mexico (Puerto Vallarta) – February 2021

Donna & Jan went with Carole & LuAnn to Carole’s timeshare resort in Puerto Vallarta for 4 days. This was a girls only trip and it required them to be tested for COVID before returning to the US. Looks like they had a great time together.

Carole, Jan, LuAnn, Donna on the beach – Puerta Vallarta
My sisters – LuAnn & Carole cruising the bay

Audrey Visit to New Mexico – February 2021

Carey’s daughter Audrey stopped in for a visit and stayed for a week. We played 3 gams of Trekking National Parks, hiked the Franklin Mts, and drove to see the Aydan Crater in southern New Mexico. Good visit. 

On the trail – Carey, Donna & LuAnn
Hiking near Aydan trail